Level/Subsystem | Reproducer | Boundary | Ingestor | Distributor | Converter | Producer | Matter-energy storage |
Extruder | Motor | Supporter |
Cell | DNA and RNA molecules |
Matter-energy and Information Outer membrane |
Transport molecules | Endoplasmic Reticulum |
Enzyme in Mitochondrion |
Chloroplast in green plant |
Adenosine triphosphate |
Contractile vacules |
Cilla, flagellae psuedopodia |
Cytoskeleton |
Organ | Upwardly dispersed to organism |
Matter-energy and information capsule or outer layer |
Input artery | Intercellular fluid |
Parenchymal cell |
Islets of Langerhans of pancreas |
Central lumen of glands |
Output vein |
Smooth muscle, cardiac muscle |
Stroma |
Organism | Testes, ovaries uterus, genitalia |
Matter-energy and information Skin or or outer covering |
Mouth, nose, skin in some species |
Vascular system of higher animals |
Upper gastrointestinal tract |
Organs that synthesize materials for metabolism and repair |
Fatty tissues | Sweat glands of animal skins |
Skeletal muscle of higher animals |
Skeleton |
Group | NASA officer who selects astronauts for crew |
Matter-energy and Inspectors of covering of of spacecraft information Crew radio operator |
Astronauts who bring |
Crewmember who distributes food |
dispersed to make packaged rations |
Crewmembers who repair damaged equipment |
Crewmember who stows scientific instruments |
Crew that ejects satellite into orbit |
Downwardly dispersed to individual members |
Crewmembers who maintain spacecraft |
Organization | Dispersed upward to society that creates space agency |
Matter-energy and Inspectors of contracted equipment information NASA guards who arrest intruders |
Receiving Department of NASA |
Conveyor belt in factory that makes parts for space habitat |
Workers who stamp out parts for space vehicle |
Doctors who examine astronauts |
Workers who store supplies on space vehicle |
Janitors in NASA buildings |
Driver of gantry crane |
Janitors in launch site buildings |
Community | Space Agency that establishes |
Matter-energy and Dispersed to builders of habitat information Operators of downlink to Earth |
Receivers of materials from Shuttle |
Food servers in dinning facility |
Organization that mines the Moon |
Medical organization in space community |
Workers who put supplies into storage areas |
Mine organization that sends materials to Earth |
Drivers of Moon surface vehicles |
Maintenance crew of habitat buildings |
Society | Constitutional convention that writes national constitution |
Matter-energy and Customs service information security agency |
Immigration service | Operators of national railroads |
Nuclear industry | All farmers and factory workers of a country |
Soldiers in Army barracks |
Export organizations of a country |
Aerospace industry that builds spacecraft |
Officials who operate national public buildings and lands |
Supernational system | United Nations when it creates new supranational agency |
Matter-energy troops at Berlin Wall information NATO security personnel |
Legislative body that admits nations |
Personnel who operate supranational power grids |
World Health Organization |
International storage dams and reservoirs |
Downwardly dispersed to societies |
Operators of United Nations motor pool |
People who maintain international headquarters buildings |
Level/Subsystem | Input Transducer | Internal Transducer | Channel and net | Timer | Decoder | Associator | Memory | Decider | Encoder | Output Transducer |
Cell | Receptor sites on membrane for activation of cyclic AMP |
Repressor molecules |
Pathways of mRNA, second messengers |
Fluctuating ATP and NADP |
Molecular binding sites |
Unknown | Unknown | Regulator genes | Structure that synthesizes hormones |
Presynaptic membrane of nueron |
Organ | Receptor cell of sense organ |
Specialized cell of sinotrial mode of heart |
Nerve net of organ |
Heart pacemaker | Second echelon cell of sense organ |
None found upwardly dispersed to organism |
None found upwardly dispersed to organism |
Sympathetic fiber of sinoatrial node of heart |
Presynaptic region of output nueron |
Presynaptic region of output nueron |
Organism | Sense organs | Proprioceptors | Hormonal pathways, central and peripheral nerve nets |
Supraoptic nuclei of thalamus |
Sensory nuclei | Unknown nueral components |
Unknown nueral components |
Compnents at several echelons of nervous system |
Temporoparietal area of dominant hemisphere of human cortex |
Larynx, other components that output signals |
Group | Crewmember who receives messages from ground control |
Crewmember who reports crew's reactions to life in capsule |
Astronauts who communicate person to person |
Dispersed to all members who hear time signals |
Member who explains coded message |
Dispersed to all members who learn new techniques |
Dispersed to all crewmembers |
Captain of crew in capsule |
Members who write reports of space experience |
Members who report to Mission Control |
Organization | NASA secretaries who take incoming calls |
Representative of employees who reports to executive |
Users of NASA internal phone network |
Office responsible for scheduling flights |
Experts who explain specs to contractors |
People who train new employees |
Filing Department |
NASA executives department heads, middle managers |
Public relations staff |
Administrator who makes policy television speech |
Community | Operators of downlink to Earth |
Communicator over downlink to Earth |
Psychologists who report on morale of spacefarers |
Caretakers of clocks in community |
Users of communication system in space station |
Engineers who interpret building blueprints |
Scientists who do research in space |
Central computer of space community |
Commanding officer and staff |
Officer who writes report to Earth station |
Society | Foreign news services |
Public opinion polling organizations, voters |
Telephone and communications organizations |
Legislators who decide on time and zone changes |
Cryptographers | All teaching institutions of a community |
Keepers of national archives |
Voters and officials of national government |
Drafters of treaties |
National representatives to international meetings |
Supranational system |
UN Assembly hearing speaker from nonmember territory |
Speaker from member country to supranational meeting |
INTELSAT | Personnel of Greenwich observatory |
Translators for supranational meetings |
FAO units that teach farming methods in Third World nations |
Librarians of UN Libraries |
National representatives to international space conferences |
UN Office of Public information |
Official who announces decisions of supranational body |
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