NASA SP-509, vol. 4
Social Concerns
by Philip R. Harris et al
Economic and System Tradeoffs
Management Structure. Legal, Political, Social and Environmental Issues
Overall Desirabilities and Probabilities
NASA in the 21st Century: A Vision of Greatness by Kathleen J. Murphy
1. Defining a Worthy Vision. Notions of Greatness
Expected Values
Elements of Excellent Execution
Section 2. Scoping a Strategically Significant Mission Agenda
Consumer-Driven Innovation: The Business of Protecting Planet Earth
Capability-Driven Innovation: The Process of Engineering Critical Technological Advances
Destination-Driven Innovation: The Evolution of Major Resource Development Projects
Section 3. Sourcing-and Sustaining-Optimum Financing
Potential Sources of Funds
Opportunities for Sustainable Collaboration
Life Cycle of NASA's Funding Responsibility
The Future of Management:
The NASA Paradigm by Philip R. Harris
Space Law and Space Resources by Nathan C. Goldman
The Treaties
Treaty Issues
Strategies for Broadening Public Involvement in Space Developments by Philip R. Harris et al.
Space Migrations: Anthropology and the Humanization of Space by Ben R. Finney
The Influence of Culture on Space Developments by Philip R. Harris
Future Space Development Scenarios: Environmental Considerations by Richard Tangum
Applications of Living Systems Theory to Life in Space by James Grier Miller
Human Safety in the Lunar Environment by Robert H. Lewis
by Philip R. Harris
Addendum: Participants
Cover Art
Liftoff from an Advanced Lunar Base by Dennis Davidson
An Advanced Lunar Base Rover by Dennis Davidson
Mary Fae McKay, David S. McKay, and Michael B. Duke
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas

National Aeronautics and
Space Administration
Scientific and Technical
Information Program
Washington, D.C.